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Drools expert user guide pdf free. Drools Tutorial: Drools Rule Engine Architecture & Examples

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Expert Systems use Knowledge representation to facilitate the codification of knowledge into a knowledge base which can be used. This drools tutorial covers all basic to advanced concepts like The Rule engine provides Expert systems which are knowledge-based.

Drools expert user guide pdf free


Artificial Intelligence A. Knowledge representation is the area of A. Expert Systems use Knowledge representation to facilitate the codification of knowledge into a knowledge base which can be used for reasoning, i.

Expert Systems are also known as Knowledge-based Systems and Knowledge-based Expert Systems and are considered to be «applied artificial intelligence». The process of developing with an Expert System is Knowledge Engineering. Whereas early Expert Systems had their logic hard-coded, «shells» separated the logic from the system, providing an easy to use environment for user input. Drools is a Rule Engine that uses the rule-based approach to implement an Expert System and is more correctly classified as a Production Rule System.

The term «Production Rule» originates from formal grammars where it is described as «an abstract structure that describes a formal language precisely, i. Business Rule Management Systems build additional value on top of a general purpose Rule Engine by providing business user focused systems for rule creation, management, deployment, collaboration, analysis and end user tools.

Further adding to this value is the fast evolving and popular methodology «Business Rules Approach», which is a helping to formalize the role of Rule Engines in the enterprise. The term Rule Engine is quite ambiguous in that it can be any system that uses rules, in any form, that can be applied to data to produce outcomes. This includes simple systems like form validation and dynamic expression engines. The book is actually about how to build and alter a database schema to hold validation rules.

The book then shows how to generate VB code from those validation rules to validate data entry. This, while a very valid and useful topic for some, caused quite a surprise to this author, unaware at the time in the subtleties of Rules Engines’ differences, who was hoping to find some hidden secrets to help improve the Drools engine. At each node it evaluates ther is a rule set that dictates the transition to undertake, and so this is also a Rule Engine.

A Production Rule System is Turing complete, with a focus on knowledge representation to express propositional and first order logic in a concise, non-ambiguous and declarative manner. The brain of a Production Rules System is an Inference Engine that is able to scale to a large number of rules and facts.

The Inference Engine matches facts and data against Production Rules – also called Productions or just Rules – to infer conclusions which result in actions. A Production Rule is a two-part structure using First Order Logic for reasoning over knowledge representation. The process of matching the new or existing facts against Production Rules is called Pattern Matching, which is performed by the Inference Engine. There are a number of algorithms used for Pattern Matching by Inference Engines including:.

Drools implements and extends the Rete algorithm; Leaps used to be provided but was retired as it became unmaintained. The Drools Rete implementation is called ReteOO, signifying that Drools has an enhanced and optimized implementation of the Rete algorithm for object oriented systems. Facts are asserted into the Working Memory where they may then be modified or retracted. A system with a large number of rules and facts may result in many rules being true for the same fact assertion; these rules are said to be in conflict.

The Agenda manages the execution order of these conflicting rules using a Conflict Resolution strategy. There are two methods of execution for a rule system: Forward Chaining and Backward Chaining; systems that implement both are called Hybrid Chaining Systems. As of Drools 5. Understanding these two modes of operation is the key to understanding why a Production Rule System is different and how to get the best from it. Forward chaining is «data-driven» and thus reactionary, with facts being asserted into working memory, which results in one or more rules being concurrently true and scheduled for execution by the Agenda.

In short, we start with a fact, it propagates and we end in a conclusion. Backward chaining is «goal-driven», meaning that we start with a conclusion which the engine tries to satisfy. If it can’t it then searches for conclusions that it can satisfy; these are known as subgoals, that will help satisfy some unknown part of the current goal. It continues this process until either the initial conclusion is proven or there are no more subgoals. Prolog is an example of a Backward Chaining engine.

Drools can also do backward chaining, which we refer to as derivation queries. Why should you use a rule engine instead of a scripting framework, like BeanShell? The key advantage of this point is that using rules can make it easy to express solutions to difficult problems and consequently have those solutions verified.

Rules are much easier to read than code. Rule systems are capable of solving very, very hard problems, providing an explanation of how the solution was arrived at and why each «decision» along the way was made not so easy with other of AI systems like neural networks or the human brain – I have no idea why I scratched the side of the car. Your data is in your domain objects, the logic is in the rules. This is fundamentally breaking the OO coupling of data and logic, which can be an advantage or a disadvantage depending on your point of view.

The upshot is that the logic can be much easier to maintain as there are changes in the future, as the logic is all laid out in rules.

This can be especially true if the logic is cross-domain or multi-domain logic. Instead of the logic being spread across many domain objects or controllers, it can all be organized in one or more very distinct rules files.

The Rete algorithm,the Leaps algorithm, and their descendants such as Drools’ ReteOO, provide very efficient ways of matching rule patterns to your domain object data. These are especially efficient when you have datasets that change in small portions as the rule engine can remember past matches. These algorithms are battle proven. By using rules, you create a repository of knowledge a knowledge base which is executable.

This means it’s a single point of truth, for business policy, for instance. Ideally rules are so readable that they can also serve as documentation. Tools such as Eclipse and in future, Web based user interfaces provide ways to edit and manage rules and get immediate feedback, validation and content assistance.

Auditing and debugging tools are also available. Rule systems effectively provide an «explanation facility» by being able to log the decisions made by the rule engine along with why the decisions were made. By creating object models and, optionally, Domain Specific Languages that model your problem domain you can set yourself up to write rules that are very close to natural language.

They lend themselves to logic that is understandable to, possibly nontechnical, domain experts as they are expressed in their language, with all the program plumbing, the technical know-how being hidden away in the usual code.

The shortest answer to this is «when there is no satisfactory traditional programming approach to solve the problem.

Given that short answer, some more explanation is required. The reason why there is no «traditional» approach is possibly one of the following:. The problem may not be complex, but you can’t see a non-fragile way of building a solution for it. It is a complex problem to solve, there are no obvious traditional solutions, or basically the problem isn’t fully understood. The logic itself may even be simple but the rules change quite often. In many organizations software releases are few and far between and pluggable rules can help provide the «agility» that is needed and expected in a reasonably safe way.

Domain experts often possess a wealth of knowledge about business rules and processes. They typically are nontechnical, but can be very logical. Rules can allow them to express the logic in their own terms. Of course, they still have to think critically and be capable of logical thinking. Many people in nontechnical positions do not have training in formal logic, so be careful and work with them, as by codifying business knowledge in rules, you will often expose holes in the way the business rules and processes are currently understood.

If rules are a new technology for your project teams, the overhead in getting going must be factored in. It is not a trivial technology, but this document tries to make it easier to understand.

Typically in a modern OO application you would use a rule engine to contain key parts of your business logic, especially the really messy parts. This is an inversion of the OO concept of encapsulating all the logic inside your objects.

This is not to say that you throw out OO practices, on the contrary in any real world application, business logic is just one part of the application. If you ever notice lots of conditional statements such as «if» and «switch», an overabundance of strategy patterns and other messy logic in your code that just doesn’t feel right: that would be a place for rules.

If there is some such logic and you keep coming back to fix it, either because you got it wrong, or the logic or your understanding changes: think about using rules. If you are faced with tough problems for which there are no algorithms or patterns: consider using rules.

Rules could be used embedded in your application or perhaps as a service. Often a rule engine works best as «stateful» component, being an integral part of an application.

However, there have been successful cases of creating reusable rule services which are stateless. For your organization it is important to decide about the process you will use for updating rules in systems that are in production. The options are many, but different organizations have different requirements. Frequently, rules maintenance is out of the control of the application vendors or project developers.

It seems to me that in the excitement of working with rules engines, that people forget that a rules engine is only one piece of a complex application or solution. Rules engines are not really intended to handle workflow or process executions nor are workflow engines or process management tools designed to do rules. Use the right tool for the job. Sure, a pair of pliers can be used as a hammering tool in a pinch, but that’s not what it’s designed for.

As rule engines are dynamic dynamic in the sense that the rules can be stored and managed and updated as data , they are often looked at as a solution to the problem of deploying software. Most IT departments seem to exist for the purpose of preventing software being rolled out. If this is the reason you wish to use a rule engine, be aware that rule engines work best when you are able to write declarative rules.

As an alternative, you can consider data-driven designs lookup tables , or script processing engines where the scripts are managed in a database and are able to be updated on the fly.

Alternatives are script-based engines that provide the drive for «changes on the fly», and there are many such solutions. Alternatively Process Engines also capable of workflow such as jBPM allow you to graphically or programmatically describe steps in a process.

Those steps can also involve decision points which are in themselves a simple rule. Process engines and rules often can work nicely together, so they are not mutually exclusive. One key point to note with rule engines is that some rule engines are really scripting engines.

The downside of scripting engines is that you are tightly coupling your application to the scripts. If they are rules, you are effectively calling rules directly and this may cause more difficulty in future maintenance, as they tend to grow in complexity over time. The upside of scripting engines is that they can be easier to implement initially, producing results quickly, and are conceptually simpler for imperative programmers.


Drools expert user guide pdf free


Drools Expert User Guide. The Rule Engine 1. What is a Rule Engine? Introduction and Background 1. Why use a Rule Engine? Advantages of a Rule Engine 1. When should you use a Rule Engine?

When not to use a Rule Engine 1. Scripting or Process Engines 1. Strong and Loose Coupling 2. Quick Start 2. The Basics 2. Stateless Knowledge Session 2. Stateful Knowledge Session 2. A Little Theory 2. Methods versus Rules 2. Cross Products 2. Activations, Agenda and Conflict Sets. Inference 2. Inference and TruthMaintenance 2. More on building and deploying 2. Knowledge Base by Configuration Using Changesets 2. Knowledge Agent 3.

Advanced Concepts and Theory 3. Truth Maintenance with Logical Objects 3. Example Scenario 3. Lazy Truth Maintenance 3. Important note: Equality for Java objects 3. Rete Algorithm 4. User Guide 4. Building 4. Building using Code 4. Deploying 4.

KnowledgePackage and Knowledge Definitions 4. KnowledgeBase 4. In-Process Building and Deployment 4. Building and Deployment in Separate Processes 4. StatefulknowledgeSessions and KnowledgeBase Modifications 4. KnowledgeAgent 4. Running 4. StatefulKnowledgeSession 4. KnowledgeRuntime 4. Agenda 4. Event Model 4. KnowledgeRuntimeLogger 4. StatelessKnowledgeSession 4. Commands and the CommandExecutor 4. Marshalling 4. Persistence and Transactions 4.

Drools Clips 5. The Rule Language 5. Overview 5. A rule file 5. What makes a rule 5. Keywords 5. Comments 5. Single line comment 5.

Multi-line comment 5. Error Messages 5. Message format 5. Error Messages Description 5. Other Messages 5. Package 5. Function 5. Type Declaration 5. Declaring New Types 5. Declaring Metadata 5. Declaring Metadata for Existing Types 5.

Parameterized constructors for declared types 5. Non Typesafe Classes 5. Accessing Declared Types from the Application Code 5. Type Declaration ‘extends’ 5. Rule 5. Rule Attributes 5. Timers and Calendars 5. Left Hand Side when syntax 5. The Right Hand Side then 5.

A Note on Auto-boxing and Primitive Types 5. Query 5. Domain Specific Languages 5. When to Use a DSL 5. DSL Basics 5.

Adding Constraints to Facts 5. Developing a DSL 5. XML Rule Language 5. When to use XML 5. The XML format 5.

Legacy Drools 2. Authoring 6. Decision Tables in Spreadsheets 6. When to Use Decision Tables 6. Overview 6. How Decision Tables Work 6. Spreadsheet Syntax 6. Creating and integrating Spreadsheet based Decision Tables 6. Managing Business Rules in Decision Tables 6. Rule Templates 6. Templates 6.

The Rule Template File 6.


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